Pet peeve...
A match of any size larger than a monthly club match should go to strictly online pre-entry.
It is very difficult to plan anything when you have no idea the head count months before.
I know "back in the day" or "the way it's always been" but that was also when you have a good idea
exactly how many people were going to be there. In the last few years I've been to matches that swung both
ways. Up till the week before or even the day before, the match director has no real idea till the day of the match
how many prizes were needed, faces to feed, facilities to provide... They either have to over guess and have waste
or play it safe and go with out.
On the flip side....
If you are holding a match of any size that you want people to actually take time away from their lives and drive/fly/take time off work and attend. You need to have it released, with a entry, 6 months or more ahead of time.
People have lives and jobs that have to be planed around. If you don't want people entering last minute, you need to
give them enough heads up to make plans so they can pre-enter.
A match of any size larger than a monthly club match should go to strictly online pre-entry.
It is very difficult to plan anything when you have no idea the head count months before.
I know "back in the day" or "the way it's always been" but that was also when you have a good idea
exactly how many people were going to be there. In the last few years I've been to matches that swung both
ways. Up till the week before or even the day before, the match director has no real idea till the day of the match
how many prizes were needed, faces to feed, facilities to provide... They either have to over guess and have waste
or play it safe and go with out.
On the flip side....
If you are holding a match of any size that you want people to actually take time away from their lives and drive/fly/take time off work and attend. You need to have it released, with a entry, 6 months or more ahead of time.
People have lives and jobs that have to be planed around. If you don't want people entering last minute, you need to
give them enough heads up to make plans so they can pre-enter.